


  1. 介入は子どもが自閉症スペクトラム障害の疑いがあればすぐ始めること
  2. 介入は計画された年齢、発達にあわせた物(おそらくおもちゃや遊具等)に対する適切な関わりに対して子供の積極的参加が含まれること。介入は少なくとも一週間の内5日間(25時間以上)で行うこと。
  3. 介入は繰り返される短いインターバルの中で教えることを含むこと。この方法は個人化され、一対一の指導と小集団での指導を含むこと。
  4. 介入はペアレントトレーニングを含むこと
  5. 介入は常に子供の進歩の評価を含むこと。それに基づき計画を調整すること
  6. 介入は定型発達児への統合教育の場面を含むこと


1. Intervention should begin as soon as a child is suspected of having autism spectrum disorder.
2. Intervention should include a child’s active engagement in systematically planned, age and developmentally appropriate activity toward identified objectives. It is recommended that intervention occur a minimum of a full school day, at least 5 days a week (25 hours) with year round programming.
3. Intervention should include teaching that is planned and organized around repeated short intervals. These intervals should be individualized daily and include one to-one as well as very small group instructions. All intervention should focus on meeting individualized goals.
4. Intervention should include the inclusion of a family component, including parent training.
5. Intervention should include mechanisms for ongoing evaluation of program and child’s progress, with adjustments made accordingly.
6. Intervention should include inclusive opportunities. For example, to the extent that it leads to the acquisition of a child’s educational goals, specialized instruction should occur in a setting in which ongoing interactions occur with typically developing children.

